
In the book directory of the The Turing Way’s Github repository, you will find a templates sub-directory that contains templates for writing chapters and case studies. Please use them to guide and structure your contributions to The Turing Way.


Chapters are the building blocks of The Turing Way book and each Guide in The Turing Way spans several chapters that all explore topics under the Guide’s overall theme.

Chapters, themselves, contain sub-chapters that delve deeper into the chapter’s topic, a Checklist section that itemises action points for readers to take based on the key concepts from the chapter, and a Resources section that points readers to other resources where they can investigate the chapter’s topic further. In addition, a chapter may contain a Personal Stories sub-chapter that studies how an individual practices the chapter’s topic in their work.

The chapter template is a great resource for designing and planning a new chapter. It contains useful recommendations to structure your content and help you think about what to write.

In addition, if you wish to revise an existing chapter instead, the chapter template remains a good point of reference to identify what sections to include or what a typical chapter in The Turing Way should contain.

Case Studies

In each Guide in The Turing Way, you will find a case studies chapter that contains a collection of case studies that each investigate how key concepts from the Guide relate to specific subjects. These serve as relatable, real-world examples that help readers gain a deeper understanding of the concepts, tools, and practices introduced in the Guide.

Like the chapter template, the case studies template is a useful resource for writing and revising case studies in The Turing Way. Please structure your case study contributions as per the template’s recommendations that includes prompts to help you think about what to write, as well as how to write it.